
Turn an existing ebook from crappy ... to snappy.

According to NetLine's 2024 State of Content Consumption report, ebooks are STILL the most popular content format for B2B professionals, representing 39.5% of all demand—with registrations increasing 34.5% over the previous year.

I'm here to help you tap into that demand by reworking any ebook you're not happy with.

Why hire someone to rewrite your ebook? Maybe:

  • ​Your messaging has shifted.
  • The writer you hired missed the mark — a little or, sadly, a lot.
  • You tried to write it yourself but kept getting bogged down by other priorities.
  • Your intern (or sales guy) had a go at it, but … well … he’s an intern (or a sales guy).

That’s where my service comes in.


The Ebook Do-Over package: What’s included

I've been a B2B content marketing writer for more than 20 years. Over time, I developed a solid process for writing content, and that's the process I'll guide you through as I create your new ebook. 

Step 1: Kickoff call

Before we begin, I need to understand your company, your audience and their journey, and your goals. In this 60-minute Zoom call, I’ll pick your brain to prepare for the project. 

Step 2: Ebook review

With your ideal ebook reader and goals in mind, I’ll evaluate the ebook, looking at things like organization, flow, images, and whether there’s too much content here or too little content there. Along the way, I’ll take notes, which I’ll send to you in the form of detailed recommendations and a preliminary revised outline if you haven’t provided one.

Step 3: Research and questionnaire

Sometimes, to give your readers what they need to move to the next step in your process, I’ll need more information, either from you or from others in your company. To get at that information, I’ll develop a questionnaire. Your job will be to respond to my questions and get me the information I need.

Step 4: Writing

Now I'll get down to business, rewriting the ebook and providing recommendations for graphics and stock photos. I use UnSplash, UnSplash Plus, and Deposit Photos. If you use a certain stock photo source, let me know; I’ll look there.  This package is for an ebook of up to 20 pages, which is plenty for most ebooks.

Step 5: Editing

I'll send the ebook to you as a Word or Google document, your choice. You read it, mark it up, ask questions, ask me to add or remove content … whatever it takes to get the piece ready to send to your designer. I’ll work up version 2.0 and send it to you for design.

Step 6: Optional design review

Although not part of this package, you may also want me to look at the ebook one last time, after it’s been through design. You’d be surprised at how many times I find errors: Duplicated paragraphs, wrong captions, even typos that you and I may have missed during our earlier review. This service costs $150; I’ll bill you separately for it when I’m through.

Investment: $1,800

After you purchase, you'll receive an email with instructions for scheduling our call. Turnaround time varies, depending on my schedule, but generally runs from two weeks to a month. I'll set deliverable deadlines after you purchase. If you need to know about current timing before you purchase, send me a message and I'll get back to you.

Turn an old ebook into a strong piece 

that leads readers closer to YES.

If you're reading these words, you need an ebook. 

I'm a seasoned writer who loves writing ebooks. 

What do you say we work together?


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Ebook Do-Over
$1,800.00 USD

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Ebook Do-Over
$1,800.00 USD

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