
Your peers and competitors are building their LinkedIn presence. What about you? 

Stop wasting time writing posts and start building relationships. The LinkedIn Profile Primer ghostwriting package gets you started with a strong presence and 4 high-quality posts per month.

LinkedIn has become an essential tool for business professionals, but creating content that cuts through the noise is hard work. That's why executives are turning to ghostwriters to elevate their presence and drive business results.  

Ghostwriters don't just write well; they understand LinkedIn's unique style, the importance of using your authentic voice and experiences, and strategies for maximizing engagement. Leave the content creation to me so you can focus on what you do best.


LinkedIn Profile Primer ghostwriting package: What’s included

I've been a B2B content marketing writer for more than 20 years. Over time, I developed a solid process for writing content, and that's the process I'll guide you through as I write your posts and help you build your LinkedIn presence. 

Step 1: Kickoff call

Before we begin, I need to understand your company, your audience and their journey, your goalsand you! In this 60-minute Zoom call, I’ll pick your brain to prepare for the project. 

Step 2: Discovery

During discovery, I’ll conduct basic company and industry research and review your existing LinkedIn profile. As I work, I'll jot down questions, concerns, and ideas that arise along the way. The result of this work is a detailed questionnaire. Your job is to respond to my questions and get me the information I need. 

Step 3: Strategy

Based on my findings, I'll develop several documents:

  • A LinkedIn strategy for your posts, including ideas for themes, topics, and angles; this document will also include recommendations for updating your LinkedIn profile.
  • A personal style guide documenting your writing personality, personal quirks, hobbies, and other elements to weave into your posts; this document will grow as we work together.
  • An editorial calendar for our first month's worth of posts.
Step 4: Content collection

After you've approved the editorial calendar, I'll send you detailed questionnaires to gather the content for each post. You can deliver the responses to me in writing or via one to two Zoom calls.

Step 5: Writing

Now I'll get down to business, writing four posts of approximately 1,000 words each and providing recommendations for graphics and stock photos. I use UnSplash, UnSplash Plus, and Deposit Photos. If you use a certain stock photo source, let me know; I’ll look there. Ohemojis are also included 😁

Step 6: Editing

I'll send the post content to you as a Word or Google document, your choice. You read it, mark it up, ask questions, ask me to add or remove content … whatever it takes to get the piece ready for publication. I’ll work up version 2.0. You get one round of revisions with this package. Additional revisions run $100 each.

Access to me via Slack is also included

If you use Slack, I'll invite you to a dedicated Slack channel where we can communicate about posts quickly outside of email. If you don't use Slack, we can use WhatsApp instead.

Add-ons available

If you're interested in the account management and reporting services, let me know. I'll send you a custom proposal.  Other optional services, which I'll bill for separately, include:

  • Additional posts per month beyond the four included
  • Hourly consulting for strategy, editorial guidance, or extra training and support
  • Additional calls, interviews, or questionnaires
  • DALL-E 3 image creation
  • Content repurposing

If you're interested in any of those services, please let me know.

LinkedIn Profile Primer Investment: $1,500 per month

After you purchase, you'll receive an email with instructions for scheduling our kickoff call. I'll set milestones after you purchase. If you need to know about timing before you purchase, send me a message and I'll get back to you. 

Your purchase is a monthly subscription that will renew monthly until you cancel. How to cancel the service? Just let me know before the next month's billing cycle. I'll cancel the auto-billing for you.

Establish yourself on LinkedIn.

If you're reading these words, you need to be on LinkedIn. 

I'm a seasoned writer who loves writing LinkedIn posts. 

What do you say we work together?


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LinkedIn Profile Primer
$1,500.00 USD Monthly

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LinkedIn Profile Primer
$1,500.00 USD Monthly

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